Successfully learn to code

Without getting stuck or losing motivation


I help beginner programmers successfully learn to code within 4 months, without getting stuck or losing motivation. I help you learn to code independently and professionally.
Picture of Jacob
Schedule your free consulting call
to have a talk about how I can help you

Who am I?

I am a fullstack software engineer and programming mentor. I have been programming since 2018 and created numerous fullstack solutions for a variety of clients.

Some examples are:

  • Android and iOS apps in Fintech
  • Web-apps and web-platforms
  • ML models for low resource devices
  • Big data management platforms
  • Programming tutorials and online courses

Programming has gifted me with wonderful oppertunities, and I wish to help you unlock those opportunities as well, as I have done for many others.

Picture of Jacob

I help you avoid this

Question on RedditQuestion on RedditQuestion on Reddit

Example case - Jonathan - Wants to make a career switch

The current situation

  • Feeling stuck after being self-taught for a long time
  • Wasting time and getting nowhere
  • Frustrated and demotivated by tutorial hell
  • Cannot complete projects independently
  • Watches countless tutorials on YT, freeCodeCamp, and has bought courses on Udemy, but it does not help

How I can help

  • We create a solid learning plan that reaches the end goal
  • We do weekly video calls to remove obstacles, set new sub-tasks, and stay accountable
  • Help avoid misunderstandings and wasting unnecessary time
  • Help planning and structuring portfolio projects
  • Help with code review and technical sparring
  • Help with the tricky situations that can be impossible to solve on your own
Want to learn more?
Let's connect

Example case - Sarah - Wants to create a tech startup

The current situation

  • Wants to make a tech startup but does not know where to start
  • Confused about what tech stack to choose
  • Has tried learning different languages to find out what is the best option
  • Afraid of making the wrong technical choice and ending up getting stuck later

How I can help

  • Advice and help towards getting started
  • Motivation and accountability
  • Help with project structure and architecture
  • Technical reviews and support
  • Problem solving when difficult situations occur

What my clients say about working with me

"I experienced a super competent mentor"


"It is obvious that Jacob knows what he is doing, and he was very quick and good at answering me when I needed help"


"It definitely lives up to my expectations"


Examples of topics we cover together

  • Fullstack development
  • TypeScript or other languages
  • NodeJS or other backend technology
  • Version control with Git and GitHub
  • Programming mindset
  • How to code professionally
  • Succeeding with your own portfolio projects
  • Pro development and productivity tips

... and anything else you need

Do you want to finally succeed with programming?
Let's schedule a free call to get you started